Books for Inventors
This page will be expanded in the near future. It will contain only those books that the majority of inventors agree are very helpful. Meanwhile, here are two that cover the biggest problems that most inventors have:

How to Finance Your Invention or Great Idea by Jack Lander. Lander shows you, step by step, in clear, non-technical language, how to find nearby sources of money. He guides you to investors who are as eager to finance inventions as you are to use their money. Here are just a few of the endorsements this book has received from well-respected inventors and authorities in the field:
"This book is a wealth of information, not only on financing, but on the whole process of developing, protecting, and marketing your invention." Michael Avery, inventor.
"There are many books on inventing, but the unique perspective of Jack Lander's book makes it a gold mine of extremely valuable information." Mary Sarao, inventor and entrepreneur.
"Finally! A guide with the real answers to inventors' #1 question: 'Where do I get the money?' " Joanne Hayes-Rines, publisher of Inventors' Digest.
"Success will be fashioned from 1) a truly good idea, 2) perseverance, and 3) Jack Lander's advice." Joe Engelberger, father of robotics.
"This book would have saved me thousands of dollars had it been available as I brought my product to market. A 'must read' for inventors who wish to stay financially healthy on the way to the marketplace." Todd Glickstein, CEO, Lotto Spotto.
"We meet far too many inventors who harbor myths about financing the development of an invention. Lander's book fills a gap that has been left unfilled for far too long. His down-to-earth style provides the backdrop to a great deal of very practical advice that demystifies the steps to take on the road to successful new-product development." Karyl Lynch and David Cormier, new-product scouts.
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How to Market Your Invention or Great Idea produced and edited by Jack Lander. Most books on marketing inventions are written by a successful inventor who marketed his or her invention one way. This book draws from the experience of many successful inventors, and shows you how to license or market in each of the eight main ways that inventions effectively reach the market. Whether you prefer to license or produce, this book will show you how to get your invention to market the most effective way. Presently being compiled and edited. Ready for the market in October 2005.